Whether you’re trying to send out a single press release about an upcoming event or working to improve your brand over time, earned media can play a huge role. We can help you figure out the right message and the right delivery model to connect with the reporters most likely to cover your story.


In an ideal situation, you’d be prepared for whatever twists and turns our ever-changing world throws at you. But that’s not always the case. We can help you navigate any crisis that threatens to harm your brand or reputation. We can also help you prepare better for those scenarios by helping you put together a crisis communications strategy before you need one.


People often focus on the message they want to get out—without realizing the importance of communicating with their own team. From supporters on a campaign to coworkers in an office, if the people you work with don’t know what you’re working on and how it relates to their roles, they could wind up feeling blindsided or left out. Internal messaging is often just as critical as honing the message you’re disseminating to external audiences.


Do you need someone to sit with you and take a look at the big picture? Do you feel like you’re running from one project to the next, but they’re not all tied together? It might be a good time to develop a strategic communications plan that leads you forward for years to come with a communications support structure that allows you to be nimble while keeping you focused on overarching goals.


Campaigns need communications support, but perhaps you don’t want to spend your resources hiring someone full-time. Whether you’re trying to build a long-term movement at the Statehouse or get out the vote in a local council race, we can help you craft a messaging and outreach strategy to achieve your advocacy goals.


Everyone wants to be on every social media platform. But should you be? And what are you trying to accomplish? MAPR can help you determine which platforms will work best for your desired outcomes. We can also help you put together a budget that makes sense for each platform so you’re not spending money you don’t need to be.


It’s hard to stand out these days. Sometimes you just need someone to do a little bit of writing—but really make it pop. We’ve got experience coming up with radio, television and phone call scripts that will connect you with the folks you’re trying to reach. We can also help you get those ads placed without the ridiculous markup fees that most agencies charge.


Call us old-fashioned, but we really like receiving mail, and it’s still a highly effective way of targeting an audience with a specific message. (Why else would local cable companies and pizza places send us 12 mailers per month!?) We can help you come up with cost-effective ways to get into the right mailboxes with a clear, concise call to action.


Want to train more advocates how to talk to reporters and get their stories out? We’ve got half-day and full-day modules that will help your supporters learn the tricks of the trade. We can work with large groups—virtually, if it’s easier—or individually. Content areas include media relations; radio and television interviews; social media content; testimony prep; and general storytelling.


Anyone can use a free service to stand up a new website, but you often wind up getting what you pay for. MAPR can help you not only establish a more professional look, but also work with you to generate content that connects and integrate external platforms—like social media or email list signups—seamlessly. Hosting is free, and we’ll either teach you how to update the site yourself or develop a plan to update the site in partnership with you.